Consider these facts presented by Creative Strategies:
- 80% of US households did not buy or read a book last year
- 70% of US households did not enter a bookstore last year
- 42% of college graduates never read a book after college
- 33% of high school graduates never read a book again
- 52% of books are not read to completion
The last point I get. I probably finish a book about 70% of the time, because I usually get it about halfway through. In fact, I am more likely to read a full book with Seth Godin’s formatting in Tribes than I am to read a whole traditional chapter format book.
For us book publishers, those facts if indeed true, are downright scary. The solution, as regular readers of my blog know, is for book publishers to become content producers to provide product in any format a consumer wants to consume our education, message and entertainment.
This is why our DigiReady efforts at Thomas Nelson are so important. Our company is embracing DigiReady. DigiReady is one of many things we will need to do differently in the coming years to stay relevant. I am certain we will make the transition, despite the unavoidable pain that will come with it.
We have great content. We must reinvent it; not just repurpose content.