Monday, November 16, 2009

3 Billion Connected Consumers

This is the forth post in a continuing series from a technology seminar by Creative Strategies at Thomas Nelson on October 23, 2009.

What does it mean to content producers like Thomas Nelson to have 3 billion connected consumers? The consumers will want access to information and entertainment anytime and anywhere they happen to be in the format they prefer. That format could be an e-book, audio book, author video, etc.

Folks will still read traditional print books. As I have posted previously, however, there will be three dominate screens all connected to the web where people spend their time more and more:
  • TV
  • Cell/Smart Phone
  • Computer
What are we doing at Thomas Nelson to make sure we are producing content for 3 billion connected consumers? Is it better for the author to write a book, do an audio version, to make a video or create all three? More and more, these are important conversations to have internally, with our authors and with our customers.

What does the consumer of that author’s content want? It is easier today than ever through social networking to build that direct relationship with the content consumer and make sure our message is relevant.

Think how quickly those 3 billion connected consumers can spread the word if you have a great message and that message is provided in a format they want to share? This gets really exciting.
In my next blog, I will discuss how all of these 3 billion connected readers may turn in to writers and active participants in the content.


johnflurry said...

As you know Tod, I am pretty passionate about all the new things Thomas Nelson is up to these days. I recently had the chance to meet some of the leaders at Keen Footwear. I enjoy their remarkable products but was not aware of the platform they offer their fans to spread the word. Once I found it I naturally began spreading their message. Seeing TN embrace this method is exciting. You have a powerful community and it will be great to see where they take you.

Tod Shuttleworth said...

appreciate your thoughts. We have so far to go. You can only eat the elephant one bite at a time.